Coding & Computer Science

Resources for learning and developing skills in coding.

A Beginner’s Glossary of Coding and Programming Terms
Learn programing terminology and familiarize yourself with different coding languages to start your coding and programming journey!
All about Javascript. This is a great place to start if you don’t know anything about coding yet.
Courses on coding and computer science for all grade levels (k-5, 6-12, and college level).

Learn website development, Javascript, Python, C++, and an abundance of other coding-related skills.

This program helps you both learn and get certified in a variety of coding skills and languages!

Practice coding with fun challenges, in a game format.

Hack The Box
Develop your cyber security knowledge while having fun!

Practice hacking to improve your cyber security skills.

Learn about many different coding languages including CSS, Javascript, HTML, and more. Or, learn about Excel, Google Sheets, and other programs!

Practice with your existing coding skills and develop your abilities.

Codèdex offers free levels of their early sections on Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is a fun game-like experience for learning and practicing coding!

Hour of Code
Hour-long coding tutorials on a huge variety of topics within computer science.

Sign up for coding courses and learn how to find a career in coding.

Girls Who Code
Coding programs for all ages, specifically designed to help individuals who were assigned female at birth find a path into the world of computer science.

Resources for learning about a variety of coding languages, and challenges to help you practice and learn.

Coddy offers courses and projects for multiple coding languages. Although Coddy is a bit newer than other resources listed here, their fun and interactive learning format is highly motivating and worth trying out, whether you’re new to programming and coding, or just looking to improve your existing skills.

More Resources

Check out our other lists below. We love to hear about more helpful tools that we may have missed. If you would like to submit a resource to be added, join our server to tell our staff all about it!