Community Guidelines

Our Rules & Guidelines

Browse our Rules Below

These guidelines have been carefully developed to harbor a safe and inclusive environment for all members of The Homeschoooler’s Chat.

We Keep Things “Safe For Work” & PG-13

No NSFW or adult content (e.g., drinking, drugs, graphic violence, gore, sexual or implied sexual themes) is permitted. Seeking relationships here is not allowed.

Keep Personal Identifying Information Private

For the safety of all of our members we encourage you not to share your physical address within the server. Any messages or images that could indicate your exact physical location will be removed by our staff.

Swearing And Hate Speech Are Not Allowed

We keep it clean and respectful. No hate, bullying, jokes, or discrimination (e.g., based on race, gender, disability, age, sexuality, nationality, socioeconomic class/status, etc.) of any kind is permitted.

No Discussions Of Religion Or Politics Are Allowed

Users are asked to steer clear of controversial topics, including – but not limited to – political and religious content. These topics can be very personal for many individuals. There are no exceptions to this rule.

No Scams, Harassment, Or Spamming Is Allowed.

Users may not share server invites, illegal/pirated content, spam, troll, scam, hoist, use channels incorrectly, impersonate staff, role-play in server, post AI art, or share another creator’s content without credit.

Contribute To Healthy Community Culture

We maintain an inclusive and safe community. Help us keep it that way! Don’t push server rules, or encourage others to do so. Each user is expected to uphold the spirit of our rules, which are subject to change. Staff moderate case-by-case and maintain the right to take action as necessary to keep this space healthy, positive, and safe.

Our Community Is LGBTQ+ Friendly

We happily welcome LGBTQ+ individuals to our group, and make it our goal to keep our space comfortable and stress-free for all. Any homophobic or transphobic behavior will result in permanent removal from our server.

Use One Account

Our users must utilize only one Discord account in our Discord server. Using another account (an “alt” account) makes moderation difficult for our staff.

Users Must Ask Before Sending Private Messages

Do not send friend requests or messages to members without asking. Sending unwelcome messages or friend requests can result in a ban. This is for the safety and comfort of our community. We understand that Discord may be a new platform for many, and misunderstandings happen. We judge these instances on a case-by-case basis.

Be Kind And Use Good Judgement

Always use your best judgement in this community. Our users are expected to exercise good conduct and act with the spirit of our rules in mind. This is not an exhaustive list of what is and isn’t acceptable behavior.

Sharing External Links

To keep our community free from any internet dangers such as scams, viruses, or content that may not follow our guidelines we have safeguards against sharing external links within The Homeschooler’s Chat. There is a designated area for sharing links which is monitored by our staff. We also have a system in place that only permits additional link sharing to those of our members who have been active participants of our community for an adequate length of time, in order to dissuade potential scam or virus sharing from bots or trolls.

Visual Media Guidelines

Although we already have existing PG-13 content limit, we also acknowledge that there can be some content on the internet that can be distressing while still falling withing the PG-13 umbrella. For this reason we utilize Discord’s built-in “spoiler” feature which allows users to hide the content of their message behind a clickable bar which can be used to reveal the content, or be ignored if one does not wish to see that kind of media or text. Our automatic moderation tools still detect any words that violates our guidelines behind “spoilers”. Some of the types of content that we require spoilers for are arachnids, snakes, blood, and anything that can cause heavy strain on the eyes.


Although this is a group mainly for homeschoolers, we know it can still be hard to make friends when attending traditional school. We happily welcome non-homeschoolers who respect and follow our rules and guidelines. Many of our members have fluctuated between traditional school and at-home school since joining our community.

Discord’s Terms Of Service

Our community abides by Discord’s Terms of Service. As such, all of our users must do the same. By using Discord’s platform, you are agreeing to their Terms of Service. Failing to comply with those terms will result in removal from our community. Most commonly applicable to our group is Discord’s compliance with the Children’s Online Protection Privacy Act in the U.S., and similar laws around the world. For our users in the United States, this means you must be over the age of 13 to use Discord’s platform. Discord maintains a list of age requirements by country, which you can view here.

In addition to Discord’s Terms of Service, we also comply with Discord’s Community Guidelines. Our users are expected to do the same. Of course, failure to follow Discord’s Community Guidelines will result in removal from the group.