Our Mascot

Meet Harold

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Harold Samamor Roberts


Green, fluffy, and friendly! Representing our core values, Harold is a cheerful, empathetic, and helpful homeschooling Sprout Sprite with wonderful friends. He comes from a large, loving community which is native to a magical forest.

🌱 What species is Harold?

Harold Samamor Roberts is a “Sprout Sprite” (scientific name micrófyllo esprit, meaning “small leaf spirit”), a variety of Sprite that can be found most commonly in the Enchanted Forest which these sprites call home. Not to be confused with the Sprout Sprite variety cited in The Spiderwick Chronicles, Harold is a member of an entirely separate species.

Fully grown Sprout Sprites range in height from 3.3in to 5in (8.3cm to 12.7cm). Some varieties of adult Sprout Sprites develop wings, many with bioluminescent properties, which are nearly impossible for the human eye to view, due to their degree of translucence. They posses magical qualities, many of which are yet to be discovered. It has also been observed that these Sprites utilize plants and items in their native forest which allow them to fluctuate in size. Sprout Sprites have been seen to grow as much as 13 times their natural height, or 13 times shorter, while under the effects of such items and foods.

Sprout Sprite info sheet
🌍 Where is Harold from?

The Enchanted Forest. Suspected to be the very same Brocéliande Forest from Arthurian legend, the Enchanted Forest where Harold grew up and currently lives is known for its abundance of magic, magical creatures, and strange happenings that are unexplainable by basic reasoning and human science!

Harold and his fellow Sprout Sprites are native to the Enchanted Forest. It is unknown how many magical species call Brocéliande home, or if the magical forest where Harold lives truly is the same Enchanted Forest from the legends of King Arthur. All signs indicate that these magical places are one and the same, but further research must be done to confirm this hypothesis. This page will be updated when more information comes to light.

The Enchanted Forest by Anne
📅 How old is Harold?

Our mascot is roughly the equivalent of a 17-year-old human. Adolescence can be a difficult time, but Harold is ready to take this unique period of life by the reigns. He is navigating his teenage years with the unwavering support of his friends and family.

Sprout Sprites like Harold age very differently than humans. Adolescence can linger for a chosen amount of time, rather than passing in a linear way as human years do. Sprout Sprites must choose to move into adulthood.

The process of deciding to become an adult can be a complicated one, which often includes a public display of maturity and growth. This display most often occurs in the form of a community project, something that benefits the Sprout Sprite community and shows that the individual choosing to move into adulthood is ready to take on responsibilities and help their fellow sprites grow together.

Harold has not yet chosen to move into adulthood. He is still considered to be very early in his development for a Sprout Sprite. However, our mascot already has plans for his adulthood project: a return of the “Sprout Scouts”, an organization much like the Boy Scouts which fell out of popularity in his village over time. Harold’s dream is to officially revive the Sprout Scouts for the young Sprouts in his community and lead them into a new age of learning!

Is Harold magical?


Sprout Sprites have been observed to have a variety of magical properties and abilities. Their primary forms of magic involve brewing and cooking magical foods and substances, healing creatures and plants, and flight. It has been asked in the past whether Sprout Sprites have the ability to create floral projectiles in the form of vines, petals, or spores. While there is no documentation of such powers from these sprites, it has not been ruled out entirely as there are many varieties of Sprout Sprites that are yet to be fully studied.

It is believed that elder Sprout Sprites can specialize in particular areas of magic, but very few have been observed to have an intimate knowledge or mastery of multiple branches of their potential magical abilities. In the case of Harold, he has mastered a plethora of cooking skills. Among his magical culinary capabilities is the careful art of brewing the popular height-altering substance which Sprout Sprites use in their foods and beverages. This special ingredient allows Sprout Sprites to fluctuate as much as 13 times their typical height, resulting in a maximum measurement of up to 5.5 feet (1.6 meters) and a minimum height of 0.3 inch (0.7 centimeter). At their smallest, Sprout Sprites can temporarily enjoy being the same size as their tardigrade friends!

💚 What is Harold’s personality like?

Harold is a kind and gentle being. Although he experiences the same struggles as many other homeschoolers, he never loses hope, even in the tough times! He stays determined and works through every obstacle with the help of his community and friends. He always puts his best foot forward, even when things get scary.

Harold’s MBTI type is ENFJ-A. His zodiac sign is Pisces. His key values include loyalty, respect, honestly, and empathy. Above all else, friendship is the most important thing to Harold. No friend of his ever gets left behind when they’re struggling. He will go out of his way for a friend in need and is well-known in his home village as being a dependable young Sprout.

🎶 What music does Harold like?

To get a better understanding of Harold himself, listen to his special Spotify playlist. This playlist includes many of his favorite songs and is a great way to get to know our friendly plant-boy mascot.

🍎 What is Harold’s favorite food?

Sprout Sprites like Harold don’t have to eat food. This is thanks to their natural ability to photosynthesize. However, sprout sprites enjoy a nearly entirely plant-based diet when offered food items. These creatures will forage for snacks constantly, only seeking out the best plants in their area. They typically love berries, seeds, nuts, grasses, clover, and mushrooms.

Despite using seemingly common ingredients, these Sprites are no simple creatures when it comes to indulging in fine cuisine. Sprout Sprites will carefully cook meals just as humans do, seasoning their foods with a variety of local herbs and root powders. Harold’s personal favorites among human-like foods include fruit smoothies and wonton soup. His favorite drink is honeysuckle tea. He’ll also happily sip an earl grey, raspberry, or mint variety.

Harold is not a fan of bitter or very strong flavors like coffee and tends to avoid things that are very spicy. However, he will enjoy wasabi on almost anything savory!

🍼 What was Harold’s childhood like?

Harold was grown and raised in a large, loving community from a beautiful area with a plethora of nature and animal life, known currently only as the “Enchanted Forest”. His early childhood years were full of learning through exploration and hands-on activities in his home tree and the surrounding woods. Most subjects, including math, science, and even languages were taught to Harold by exploring the world around him and helping with community projects in his village.

Sprout Sprites which hail from larger colonies are often grown in their town’s local greenhouse. Harold, being from a small village, was grown in his community’s local sprout patch. While greenhouses have designated attendants and require 100 volunteer hours from any Sprout Sprite wishing to become a guardian for a young Sproutling, village patches work based on reputation and community compassion. An entire village waters their patch, adults and children alike, with specific adult sprites watering and bonding with the sprouts they hope to bring into their home.

👪 Does Harold have parents?

Yes! Harold has three primary guardians who watered and cared for him as a Sproutling: Mora, Arthur, and Egir.

Sprout Sprites parental dynamics vary widely from family to family. These Sprites have been observed to have anywhere from one to four primary guardians, ranging from groups of friends to sole individuals who proved their parental abilities to the community either through contributing to the raising of young Sproutlings in their village or completing 100 hours of greenhouse service in larger colonies.

Each Sprout Sprite in a group of guardians tend to have a specialty which they share with their Sproutling. In Harold’s case, his family dynamic went something like this:

Mora taught him all of his known social skills, from how to properly introduce yourself to a new friend to how to stand up to bullies without lifting a finger. She spent her bonding time with Harold during his days in the sprout patch reading him books in multiple languages.

Arthur shared with Harold an appreciation and understanding of the arts and magic. They filled their bonding time with Harold as a Sproutling playing him music and singing a variety of songs to the young Sprout.

Egir supplied Harold with an overwhelming amount of technical knowledge, covering everything from mathematics and physics to plant identification and the art of cooking. Egir always brought a new activity to the sprout patch when visiting Harold, as well as a snack for himself and a new liquid nutrient to help the soon-to-be-Harold grow big and strong.

🗨 Which language(s) does Harold know?

Harold’s mother tongue is the currently unknown language of the Forest Sprout Sprites. This language’s structure has so far been nearly impossible for humans to comprehend due to its complexity, although those who have studied Dravidian and Japonic languages have had some success studying the script of various modern Sprout Sprite writings.

In Harold & Friends books, Harold is currently fluent in English and ASL. He is believed to be capable of understanding most modern human languages and dialects. He is a very quick learner and will happily learn to speak a new one if it helps him make a new friend!

📕 Does Harold have a favorite book?

Harold’s favorite author during childhood was Shel Silverstein. He enjoys anything in a similar style to Shelf Silberstein’s popular poem books.

Harold will read just about anything, but prefers light, motivational, or content that will make him laugh. He particularly loves to read new jokes to tell his friends. One of Harold’s favorite memories from his early childhood is of being read to by his parental guardians.

🎉 What does Harold do for fun?

Harold’s go-to pastime is hanging out with his friends.

HSRC’s energetic mascot loves to explore the Enchanted Forest, climb the local trees, picnic with friends, work on projects, help his friends with homework, go swimming in the stream near his home, cook food for his community, and help the young Sprout Sprites in his village learn and grow.

🎂 When is Harold’s Birthday?

The idea of creating a mascot for HSRC first came up on March 12th, 2019. A list of features for Harold was formed on March, 16th, 2019, which has been chosen as Harold’s official birthday!

Sprout Sprites consider birthdays to be extremely central to each individuals journey through life. In celebration of birthdays, these earthy Sprites gather to discuss what one has learned, accomplished, and struggled with in the past year. Although it’s speculated tat Sprout Sprites follow some form of a tree calendar based on the cycles of tree life, Harold celebrates his birthday with his non-Sprite friends on March 16th of the Gregorian calendar.

💈 Does Harold need haircuts?


Although Sprout Sprites like Harold don’t grow hair like humans do, they experience growth on their heads which they can style and trim for fun and cleanliness. Sprout Sprites have very little interest in coloring their “hair”. They prefer to blend into the Enchanted Forest’s scenery and feel that adding coloring would take away from their ability to be inconspicuous.

Who created Harold?

The Homeschooler’s Chat community!

Our mascot was created by The Homeschooler’s Chat community in March of 2019 through a series of polls about certain traits and aspects our mascot should have. HSRC users voted on every detail of his design. We collectively decided on how many arms, legs, eyes, and fingers he should have. Everything from his fluffy green complexion to the color of his eyes was carefully chosen by our group. Harold is the creation of our whole community and we love him!

Harold’s official backstory is written by Anne (that’s me), the founder of The Homeschooler’s Chat, with creative input, incredible ideas, and amazing illustration help from Max and @dreamiebuns. This trio collaborated to create Harold’s first ever book: Harold’s Halloween Hullabaloo, lovingly assembled by Max. @dreamiebuns and Max both brainstorm with Anne about a massive variety of Harold topics, ranging from choosing his name to understanding where Sprout Sprite children grow.

Thank you to Max and @dreamiebuns for your help, support, and encouragement in all things HSRC. ❤

👀 Is Harold in The Homeschooler’s Chat Discord server?

Yes! Harold can be seen in HSRC’s Discord server frequently. He shows up in the form of a bot that helps users understand how to use our Discord server, provide links to helpful information, and send positive messages. Harold Bot also helps to keep the community safe by automatically moderating messages sent in chat.

Harold’s Book

A Halloween story of friendship and creativity, starring Harold and his best friend, Cavall. Created by HSRC staff members Max, @dreamiebuns, and Anne, this heartwarming story is a wonderful introduction to Harold’s personality. Follow along below as Harold and Cavall navigate Halloween, costumes, and creativity.

Harold’s Halloween Hullabaloo artwork by @dreamiebuns, Max, and Anne.

Harold Activities

Harold & Friends themed activities for all ages!

Harold’s Best Friends



Harold has many friends! His closest companion, Cavall the tardigrade, is one of many pals whom Harold shares adventures with. This friendly moss piglet buddy can be seen teaming up with Harold in Harold’s Halloween Hullabaloo to find the perfect costume for Harold’s Halloween. What a great friend!

What species is Cavall?

Cavall is a tardigrade which are also commonly referred to as “water bears” or “moss piglets”. This is the favorite animal of The Homeschooelr’s Chat’s founder, Anne.

Tardigrades are abundant in the Enchanted Forest where Harold and his fellow Sprout Sprites live. Over 1,000 varieties of tardigrades can be found in the Enchanted Forest, including some magical types!

🤟 Does Cavall Speak?

Cavall is quite shy and has not been seen to use verbal dialogue. Instead, they communicate with Harold via gestures and other signals.

Tardigrades are extremely flexible. The varieties in the Enchanted Forest have a complex language based on movement that other species find difficult to learn. Harold grew up alongside Cavall and other tardigrades. By doing so, he has learned to understand their language easily!

🏰 Where did Cavall get their name?

Cavall adopted their name from our original Harold design, by the same title.

The Homeschooler’s Chat Discord server is themed after the legend of King Arthur. Many of our channels and roles have been named after places, objects, or people found in Arthurian Legend. “Cavall” was the name of King Arthur’s most beloved dog. It seemed only appropriate to include him in our stories, and who better to carry that name than Harold’s trusty sidekick, the tardigrade?



Winona is quite the bookworm, with a vibrant and nerdy personality! Since she is an avid reader, she’s often viewed by her friend group as the go-to for homework help, but more importantly she is everyone’s first pick for any trivia team. You can always rely on Winona to either have answers, or be ready to find them!

🪱 What species is Winona?

Winona is an earthworm, but we lovingly refer to her as a “bookworm”.

She is particularly small for an earthworm, as you’ve likely seen from Harold & Friends illustrations. She’s super small actually! Perhaps she is a magical variety of earth worm, only found in the Enchanted Forest. Further research is needed to learn more about the magical properties of Harold and his group.

🌿 Are Winona and Cavall friends?

Winona and Cavall get along very well!

The two met through Harold, but soon warmed to each other when they found that they shared similar interests. She and Cavall share a particular love for creative activities. They both love working on crafts and watching animated movies. It was this talented pair that made a delicious birthday cake for Harold as part of his 2024 birthday celebration!

🧪 What is Winona’s favorite subject?


Winona is a huge biology nerd. She is fascinated by how the world works and truly loves to go out in the world to view the miracles of life first-hand. She’s taken a particular interest in the connections between scientific biological development and the influence of the magic within the Enchanted Forest. It’s not unusual for Winona to “borrow” one of her fellow magical friends to help gather data on the nature of how magic and science collide.



Jade the jellyfish is a brand new friend to Harold, Cavall, and Winona. One might not expect to find a jellyfish in the Enchanted Forest, where salt water seems a rarity. However, Jade is a freshwater jelly, similar to the craspedacusta sowerbii medusae, also known as peach blossom jellyfish. These tiny jellies are only about one inch (20-25mm) in diameter, but Jade proves that even small creatures can be mighty!

💧 What type of jellyfish is Jade?

Jade is nearly identical to the craspedacusta sowerbii medusae, which you can view below, or learn about here. The only difference between Jade and these tiny fresh water jellies, lovingly named “peach blossom” jellyfish, is that Jade is, of course, magical.

Freshwater jellyfish (Craspedacusta sowerbyi).
Is Jade magical?


Jade’s magical abilities are yet to be fully explained, but it is currently known that she is able to elongate and transform her tentacles at will.

When will more info about Jade release?


There is a lot of new information coming to light about Harold’s world, friends, and his life. We hope to uncover more details about Jade soon and share those findings with you in the near future.

Harold Fan Creations

Harold’s fans and friends regularly make amazing art inspired by our plant-themed mascot. Check out the examples below!

A comedy video about Harold by LightningXLM, Harold’s friend in The Homeschooler’s Chat. This is this first Harold fan video to be created and shared in The Homeschooler’s Chat!

A Harold-themed sticker created by Kimmy, a friend of Harold’s in The Homeschooler’s Chat! As this incredible sticker says, Harold is, in fact, cool. Thanks for sharing this with us, Kimmy!

Winter Harold (HSRC mascot) art prompt submission by Claire!

Harold’s friend Claire created this beautiful piece of Harold all bundled up for winter as part of one of our popular events during which our members design the image we use as the icon for our Discord server!

Harold’s birthday artwork by BreezeyNinja, Claire, and others, inspired by the Harold’s Picnic Mad Lib filled out by the HSRC community below.

🐦 Read Harold’s Picnic Mad Lib

Harold’s Picnic

A Mad Lib filled out by The Homeschooler’s Chat community.

It was a warm, colorful afternoon when Harold stepped off the bus and set foot in the UK. He took a deep breath to enjoy in the fresh, spooky kitten. He smiled to himself, then felt a gentle run on his cheek. Harold looked down at his shoulder to see Cavall the tardigrade meowing at him excitedly. “I know! It’s beautiful here,” he agreed. Winona the worm flew her head out of Harold’s trousers pocket. She swam, looked up at Harold, and jumped. “I’m hungry too,” Harold replied, as if reading Winona’s thoughts. “Let’s find something to eat!”

One hour later, Harold, Cavall, and Winona sat on a pizza at a cozy pajamas near the water with their lunch. Harold and Winona both had tofu vegan burger, while Cavall was enjoying orange soda. They gazed out over the scene around them. What a lovely day. That’s when they saw it. The giant red cardinal sneaking toward them. They froze. The creature had spotted them and had begun sniffing the air in their direction. “Don’t sit,” Harold whispered to his friends. Cavall and Winona trembled in fear. They watched as the red cardinal slowly approached them. Cavall bit Harold repeatedly. Harold looked down at them, “what is it?” Cavall gestured to the creature and then to their food. After an eon Harold understood.

”Stay here,” Harold cautioned his friends. Then he ate toward the red cardinal, hesitantly offering it a bit of his meal. The creature looked at Harold for a moment, then slowly moved its fabulous paw to accept the food. It tasted it, made a fluffy face, and looked expectantly at Harold for more. “There you go! We can be friends,” Harold said delicately as he offered more food.

A while later, Harold lead the red cardinal back to Winona and Cavall. His two companions started to poke away, but Harold quickly explained. “It’s okay! Beary here just wanted to join our picnic.” The red cardinal looked at them hopefully. Winona hesitated and then chomped. Cavall cautiously gestured toward their drink. “Cavall wants to share,” Harold explained. The red cardinal took a small sip and flapped in gratitude.

The day passed quickly. It was already late afternoon as Harold, Cavall, and Winona were packing up to head home. Cavall stuffed their final flicker into a bag as Harold spoke to their new red cardinal friend. “It’s getting late, so we have to head back home.” Beary looked a bit sad, but hugged in understanding. Winona gestured to Harold, who looked at her in surprise. “You’re right,” he said excitedly. He turned back to Beary. “You can come visit!” Cavall ran at this, but said nothing. Winona offered a house to their new friend in a show of good faith. At this, the red cardinal danced in delight. They gathered their noses and set off together, toward the underground, a new friend in their midst. “This has been the best picnic ever,” Harold said happily, biting at his new friend.

Got Harold art?

Want to see your Harold-themed art on this page? So do we! Ping @hsrc in our Discord server with your Harold-themed art to see if it can be included right here on hsrchat.com.

Official Harold Artworks

By Anne, founder of The Homeschooler’s Chat