Our Frequently Asked Questions, Answered!

THe homeschool discord server welcome unschoolers, public school students, and any teenagers learning from home
Is this online group safe?

Absolutely! Moderators are online every day, keeping this group safe and comfortable. We also have specially configured safeguards in place, to keep our community secure from scams, threats, inappropriate language, and harassment.

Safety is always our top priority in The Homeschooler’s Chat. Our moderation team is run by our founder and administrator, Anne, who has dedicated years of her life to maintaining a safe online community for teenagers. Our community is comfortable knowing that our team of adult moderators always has their back. Trust is the foundation of our safety efforts, ensuring that all of our users are able to reach out to an adult for help at any time.

Can this group help me make friends?

It definitely can! It will take a little effort on your part, but we provide all of the tools you need to make connections with peers in The Homeschooler’s Chat. If you enjoy playing video games, making art, reading books, or having genuine, heart-felt conversations with like-minded people, you’ll find so many opportunities to bond in our Discord server. If you’re still unsure whether you’re ready to join, check out our Events page to get a better idea of the activities we offer. We hope to see your in HSRC soon!

I do school online, or I’m not homeschooled. Can I join The Homeschooler’s Chat?

Yes! In fact, we even welcome non-homeschoolers between the ages of 13 to 19 to our group. The Homeschooler’s Chat is all about sprouting friendships, and we encourage any teenager looking for a sense of community to jump on board!

I’m younger than 13 years old. Can I join?

Unfortunately, no. Our community is hosted on Discord, which is bound by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the United States, and similar acts internationally. This means users must be of a certain age to join Discord. In the United States, the age requirement is 13. More information about Discord’s minor safety policies and practices.

I’m a shy person. I’m worried I won’t fit in!

Don’t worry, friend! Our community was built by one incredibly shy homeschooler who had trouble socializing both in-person and online. Our staff are always there to help you feel more at ease if things are difficult for you at first. Every member of our community has a big heart, and most had a hard time being able to really speak up upon first joining. You’re not alone in this journey, and The Homeschooler’s Chat will be there for you whenever you’re ready to step outside of your comfort zone!

I am a parent homeschooling a child. Can this group help?

While our group is designed to be a community for the students, parents are welcome to join as well. We have a handful of parents on our Discord server who may be able to assist you in your journey. You can also take a look at our resources page if you are in need of curriculum support.

Is this a study group?

You can absolutely use our server for study purposes. Our group’s primary focus is socialization, however we do host weekly study sessions for all of our members. Spontaneous study sessions can take place at any time in our study voice chats, with optional lo-fi music!

What is Discord?

Discord is a messaging platform that we use to host our group. It allows for the greatest amount of custom safety tools and moderation, as well as tons of fun features to give our community the best experience socializing online! You can click here to learn more about the social messaging platform.

To find out more about our safety measures and how we keep our community secure, check out our Community Guidelines page.

Interested in finding out more about the staff and members of The Homeschooler’s Chat? Head on over to the About Us page to read up on the history of the server and see more details about the community’s culture.

While our server offers a space for students to study, you may still be struggling to find helpful tools while homeschooling. Check out our Resources page to find the websites and tools that we recommend as support for your curriculum.

Still have questions?

Reach out to us! We’ll be happy to provide more information on our community.