English Language

English learning tools for both long-time English speakers, and new learners.

BrainPOP English Language Learning helps learners grab the concepts of the English language in fun, animated videos and games. They provide a handful of great free resources. A paid subscription is offered to access more content.

Storyline Online
Free narrated stories for younger children.

Well-known for offering a wonderful catalogue of information, guides, questions, and answers about literature works. SparkNotes can help you get a better grasp on everything from Shakespeare to casual reading.

SparkNotes (the literature study guide), but even nicer! From the creators of SparkNotes.

Goodreads High School Reading
Goodreads offers a great list of often-required high school reading books, as aswell as a handful of free eBooks. Although many books in their list may have to be purchased, Goodreads is a helpful website to find where you can order these books  online.

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