General Learning

Resources that cover a bit – or more – of everything.

Khan Academy
You will see Khan Academy recommended several times in this list. We cannot stress enough how useful this program has been for so many of our members. If you or your learner have not tried it yet, we highly encourage you to check it out as a possible resource for almost every subject.

CK-12 is a huge library of free online textbooks for all ages, ranging across many subjects from math to social studies.

Free and affordable textbooks for many subjects, including high school level learning. Both online and physical copy options.

Scholastic – Learn At Home
Learning tools from Scholastic, aimed toward younger children. Helps with teaching vital problem-solving skills and reading.

Crash Course – Youtube Channel
Educational videos for a variety of topics and age groups (mostly teen and up due to difficulty/complexity of content).

National Geographic Kids
A subset of the National Geographic website with content oriented toward younger kids including videos and games, like quizzes and puzzles.

BrainPOP Jr. – Games
This charmingly animated website helps elementary through middle school age children learn a diverse amount of new information across many subjects. They have a handful of free learning games for students. You’re bound to learn something new here. Additionally, a paid subscription is offered which unlocks access to even more resources and learning.

Demme Learning – Free Res
For parents of elementary-aged homeschoolers, Demme Learning offers free resources on math and English spelling learning. Downloadable PDF worksheets, videos, and walk-throughs on how to teach math and spelling to children.

Discovery Education
Students can access resources for a multitude of subjects on Discovery Education. Teachers and parents can find lessons for younger learners to study everything from science to art.

PBS Learning Media
Free educational videos, activities, lesson planing, and tools for both students and educators.

More Resources

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