Financial Aid for College – Quick rundown

By Max

Scholarships are intimidating

Affording college can be pretty pricey, if you aren’t going to a community college. Scholarships and grants help with that!

FAFSA is a federal student aid program that will give you “grants” for your schooling based off of your needs, and your parents’ income. will help you search for scholarships based on your GPA, Location, interests, SAT scores, and whether or not your parents graduated college. This might seem intimidating, but there are a ton of options. If your grades maybe aren’t the best or you cant do sports, you still have tons of options!

Grants vs. loans vs. scholarships

Grants are essentially money given to you and your school on your behalf, to pay for courses and materials. You do not have to pay grants back after you graduate.

Loans are money you borrow from a bank or a private scholarship company that will collect interest and you have to pay back once you graduate.

Scholarships are similar to grants but are usually awarded based on skill, grades, and other qualifiers. There are scholarships for all sorts of things: art, sports, red headed students, left handed students (yes, really).

Helpful links:

Scholarship Search – Start Your Free College Scholarship Search Her...

This post was originally created by Max, on September 25th, 2022 in The Homeschooler’s Discord server, and edited by Anne. Learn more about Max and Anne on our About Us page. Cover photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash.

Published by Anne - HSRC Founder

Hi, friend! I'm Anne, founder and administrator of The Homeschooler's Chat, the largest Discord community for homeschooling teenagers. I've been growing HSRC since the idea first came to me in 2014. I was a homeschooler myself, and found it hard to make friends both in-person and online. That's why I created The Homeschooler's Chat, to help people like myself find support online. Today, I create all of HSRC's official content (unless otherwise credited), manage website design, handle all Discord server maintenance, operate HSRC social media accounts, and keep the community safe behind the scenes. You could say that The Homeschooler's Chat is my passion project! Thanks to the support of the HSRC community, I've been able to dedicate a lot of time and love to this project. It's my goal to nurture The Homeschooler's Chat and continue to harbor a safe space for teenagers to connect, make friends, and feel at home virtually. Thank you for being here. I hope to see you in HSRC!

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